时髦的衣服,为一个学校的女孩 — — 女孩的和孩子们穿衣和时尚的游戏的

选择衣服来装扮自己的学校。成为优雅的女学生,选择漂亮的裙子或裤子,选鞋和背包。发挥不同的风格,并找到自己的穿衣风格!选择时尚衣服的女学生:  - 连衣裙,中裙,校服  - 发型的女孩  - 鞋优雅的淑女  - 手镯,项链和耳环,可爱的美女  - 背包上学给女孩改头换面,拯救公主的照片!


Be a farmer for a day and help Tommy with his chores! Get to know the animals and the activities performed at this farm while enjoying gentle characters and their sounds and animations, which turn the application into an enriching experience for chil